Over the last year and a half, more than 5,000 volunteers have participated in 56 reforestation actions as part of the CO2MPENSATING BY PLANTING project, which aims to compensate for CO2 emissions by planting trees.
This project is organized by the Association of Scouts of Croatia, Croatian Forests, and the HEARTH agency, with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, the Office of the European Parliament in Croatia, the Representation of the European Commission in Croatia, the US Embassy, and the Canadian Embassy.
In 13 locations throughout Croatia, foresters planted over 100,000 new seedlings, mainly oak, in areas where forest stands were partially or completely destroyed by the effects of climate change. The last afforestation campaign of the spring cycle took place in Perjasica, in the Barilović municipality, where volunteers planted 2,000 new saplings of holm oak and cypress.
(Photo: Igor Pavlović/Filip Kovačević)
The ambassador of Canada, Alan Bowman, also took part in this campaign, emphasizing the importance of planting trees for nature and the fight against climate change.
(Photo: Igor Pavlović/Filip Kovačević)
The campaigns will continue in the fall, and the organizers plan to expand them to almost all parts of Croatia where there is a need and the possibility of implementation. The Association of Scouts of Croatia, together with its partners, started the entire project and confirmed the growing interest in participating in the project and afforestation actions.
(Photo: Igor Pavlović/Filip Kovačević)
The project’s chief coordinator, Dan Špicer, highlighted the importance of afforestation campaigns for schools and education on nature protection, the importance of forests, and the effects of the climate crisis.
(Photo: Igor Pavlović/Filip Kovačević)
In addition, companies can get involved in the project and offset part of their CO2 emissions. HEARTH agency director, Igor Mladinović, said that it is extremely important for the business sector to contribute more to the creation of CO2 emissions, and return more to nature by directing their business towards social and environmental responsibility.
(Photo: Igor Pavlović/Filip Kovačević)
(Photo: Igor Pavlović/Filip Kovačević)
In conclusion, the CO2MPENSATING BY PLANTING project in Croatia has been a successful initiative that has brought together thousands of volunteers, organizations, and businesses to combat climate change and restore Croatia’s forests.
(Photo: Igor Pavlović/Filip Kovačević)
The efforts made by these groups not only offset carbon emissions, but also create new forests and increase awareness about the environmental challenges our world faces.
Source : CW