Home » I visited Croatia for the first time. It reminded me of the Amalfi Coast in Italy — but better in several ways.
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I visited Croatia for the first time. It reminded me of the Amalfi Coast in Italy — but better in several ways.

Confession: Up until this year, I didn’t know much about Croatia — other than the fact that much of “Game of Thrones” was filmed there.

However, after my well-traveled aunt raved about a recent trip to this Mediterranean country, it skyrocketed to the top of my want-to-visit list. She’s spent substantial time in Europe, including some of the most beautiful places in Italy, so I figured it must be well worth a visit if she left so impressed.

Croatia is right across the Adriatic Sea from Italy. Historically, it’s been a bit overshadowed by surrounding coastal European hot spots, including the Amalfi Coast.

After spending four nights in Dubrovnik, a city on Croatia’s southernmost tip, I can confidently say it’s just as beautiful as its Italian neighbor, if not more so.

